if there is a possibility of injury to the neck or back, open the air passage by gently pulling open the jaw without moving the head 意味

  • 首か背骨に損傷があると考えられる場合は頭を動かさずにそっとあごを開いて空気の通路をあけてやりなさい


        open head injury:    open head injury 開放性頭部損傷[医生]
        open the airway by tipping the head and pushing the jaw forward:    頭を後ろに傾け[後方{こうほう}にそらし]あごを前に押し出して気道{きどう}を広げる[開ける]
        open jaw:    オープン?ジョー◆往復の旅客券において、行きの到着地と帰りの出発地が異なること
        open injury:    開放性損傷{かいほう せい そんしょう}
        open at the neck:    (シャツを)首元{くびもと}で開いて[オープンにして]
        open neck:    {形} :
        open-neck:    {形} : 襟{えり}の開いた、開襟{かいきん}の、首の部分のあいた
        open back:    屋根{やね}のない荷台部分{にだい ぶぶん}
        in the open air:    屋外で、野外で、戸外で
        open air:    open air 野外 やがい 露天 ろてん 外気 がいき
        open to the air:    雨ざらし
        open-air:    open-air オープンエア 戸外 こがい
        the open air:    the open air 野天 のてん
        leave open the possibility that:    (that 以下)という可能性{かのうせい}を残す、(that 以下)という可能性{かのうせい}を保留{ほりゅう}する
        open someone's eyes to the possibility of:    ~の可能性{かのうせい}を(人)に気づかせる


  1. "if there had been a way to avoid today's sad happening, …" 意味
  2. "if there is" 意味
  3. "if there is a break in the rain we'll go out for a walk" 意味
  4. "if there is a lack in" 意味
  5. "if there is a next time" 意味
  6. "if there is a price change after one's reservation" 意味
  7. "if there is a problem" 意味
  8. "if there is a revolution, she'll be the first to lose her neck" 意味
  9. "if there is a substantial change in the ownership of licensee from the ownership at the time of signing of this agreement" 意味
  10. "if there is a lack in" 意味
  11. "if there is a next time" 意味
  12. "if there is a price change after one's reservation" 意味
  13. "if there is a problem" 意味

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